Kính gửi Quý bạn đọc! Trung tâm Thông tin - Thư viện, ĐHQGHN hân hạnh gửi tới Quý bạn đọc một số ebook mới chủ đề Khởi nghiệp 1/ Start-up [electronic resource] : A Practical Guide to Starting and Running a New Business / by Tom Harris http://repository.vnu.edu.vn/h andle/VNU_123/53772 2/ Software Business Start-up Memories [electronic resource] : Key Decisions in Success Stories / by Roderick van Cann, Slinger Jansen, Sjaak Brinkkemper. http://repository.vnu.edu.vn/h andle/VNU_123/53775 3/ Strategic approaches to successful crowdfunding / Djamchid Assadi, editor. http://repository.vnu.edu.vn/h andle/VNU_123/53776 4/ Trust-based selling : finding and keeping customers for life / David A. Monty. http://repository.vnu.edu.vn/h andle/VNU_123/53777 5/ Founder Turnover in Venture Capital Backed Start-Up Companies http://repository.vnu.edu.vn/h andle/VNU_123/30818